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Below is a page of resources, ideas, and templates for the use of technology into the Mathematics classroom 

1. Library of Math Manipulatives


The site is organized into five mathematical categories (Numbers and operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis and probability) and by different grade levels. A special feature of the NLVM is that teachers can use the eNLVM to enhance lessons.  The eModules are interactive online units include lesson plans, online activities, and online assessments based on state and national standards.  Teachers can use the tracking tools that allow students to submit work and answers that they have worked on, and the teacher can view the class summaries as well as an individual students answers. Teachers are also able to change lessons and activities for their students needs.  This includes modifying, creating, reorganizing, and deleting activities, instructions, and questions. Teachers are also able to share materials with others to collaborate in developing them.


I have included the link to the website below :




2.  Dreambox Teacher Tools



I came across this site twice during my educational practicums.  This site provides a toolkit of interactive smartboard lessons that can be used by a teacher teaching these concepts. Through the use of smartboard lessons, students can work at concepts on there own pace. This provides the teacher time to work with individual students, provide differentiated instruction to students, and provide an interactive way to approach math. This site has smartboard lessons for various grades, subjects, and topics which makes it a very versatile tool in a teacher's technology tool kit.




3. Fluid Math


FluidMath is award-winning educational software that enables teachers and students to easily create, solve, graph and animate math and physics problems all in their own hand-writing on the screen of a Tablet PC or Interactive Whiteboard. For teachers, it is designed to assist in creating dynamic instructional materials for the classroom providing engaging learning experiences. For students, it is designed to help explore and understand concepts in mathematics and science.

4.  Real World Math


Real World Math is a collection of free math activities for Google Earth designed for students and educators. Mathematics is much more than a set  of problems in a textbook.  In the virtual world of Google Earth, concepts and challenges can be presented in a meaningful way that portray the usefulness of the ideas.


The goal is to take the math you learned in class and develop it further with problem solving activities.  You'll find some familiar concepts and learn some ideas.  All of the lessons are technology-based and can be completed in the classroom or at home.   This is where you'll find the answer to, "When are we ever gonna need this?!"

Teachers have access to lesson write ups and additional material to integrate these activities effectively.  The core of the site is mathematics for grades 4 and up, but many lessons lend themselves to interdisciplinary activities.  This is a modern approach to mathematics that is student-centered and task-oriented; it embraces active learning, constructivism, and project-based activities, while remaining true to the standards.  Higher level thinking skills, such as analysis, synthesis, and creativity are encouraged as well as technology skills and social learning.

5. Illuminations


Designed by the NCTM as a unified resource for math teachers, Illuminations provides 100+ activities that align with common core standards, 600+ hands-on lesson plans, a review of standards, and hundreds of online web links and resources to find more tools and resources. The students are also able to play math games and lessons against students from around the world.


The lesson plans and activities are creative and exciting. Thus, providing an engaging and authentic experiences for students to learn math.  


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